Analysis of the Eccentric Hopper and Associated Silo Design Criteria

Objectives and Programme

Overall Objectives

This is but the beginning of our MEng thesis and there remains a lot of work to do. What exact form this ‘work’ will take remains to be seen as things develop, but here are, at least, our closest goals:

Finally, we hope that our research will contribute something to the understanding of eccentric silo behaviour, thus partially filling the present black hole in the complex world of silo and shell theory.

Programme top Δ

Following our web presentation on 01 November our M-Eng Thesis is 16% complete. This web presentation is one of six key deadlines / milestones which need to be adhered to:

01 November 2006Web Poster presentation
12 January 2007Progress Report
19 January 2007Project Review
12 March 2007Theses Draft Submission
18 April 2007Theses Submission
16 May 2007Oral Examination

A detailed programme is available here in pdf format.

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